Goal 15: Life on Land
Goal: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
UGA is working to address UN Sustainable Development Goals through focused research, teaching, service, and stewardship on campus, across the state, and around the globe. Some examples of how students, faculty, and staff are addressing Goal #15 are listed below.

Georgia 4-H Environmental Education
The Georgia 4-H Environmental Education Program uses the outdoors a classroom without walls to provide overnight academic field studies for students in public, private, and homeschool learning in grades K-12. Youth indicate that as a result of their experience, they have an understanding that their behaviors have an effect on the environment and feel a greater connection to nature.
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Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health
Housed at the UGA Tifton Campus, the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health supports efforts to detect pests, respond to new introductions, document changes, and manage the health of ecosystems. Solutions to these problems require collaborations that transcend traditional disciplinary, departmental, institutional, and agency approaches, as well as state and national borders.
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Mimsie Lanier Center for Native Plant Studies
A unit of the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, the Mimsie Lanier Center for Native Plant Studies spearheads native plant restoration, conservation, education, production, and safeguarding. At the Center, graduate students, interns, volunteers, and science and conservation staff propagate Georgia native plants for use in habitat restoration, endangered species recovery, and introduction to the gardening and green industry community.
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Campus Arboretum
The Campus Arboretum provides biologically diverse and aesthetic collections of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants in designed settings for the enjoyment and education of students, staff, faculty, and visitors. Designation of the UGA campus as an arboretum ensures sustained tree planting and maintenance while providing valuable opportunities for research and learning.
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