Goal 3: Good Health & Wellbeing

Goal: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

UGA is working to address UN Sustainable Development Goals through focused research, teaching, service, and stewardship on campus, across the state, and around the globe. Some examples of how students, faculty, and staff are addressing Goal #3 are listed below.


Global Health Institute

Bewell uga

BeWellUGA is a central mental health and well-being resource for the UGA campus community with free well-being and prevention programs, events, and services hosted by UGA Well-being Resources. #BeWellUGA offers classes and services geared towards helping UGA students thrive physically, mentally, and socially. Well-being Resources hosts BeWellUGA Week in September, where students have the opportunity to learn about services offered and engage in fun activities to promote mental well-being.

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Student Care and Outreach

Student Care and Outreach

The mission of Student Care and Outreach is to coordinate care and assistance for all students, undergraduate and graduate, who experience complex, hardship, and/or unforeseen circumstances by providing individualized assistance and tailored interventions.

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Researchers in the Center for Vaccines and Immunology

UGA Campus Safety measures

The new measures, totaling more than $7.3 million, include a permanent 20% increase to the UGA Police Department budget to continue to recruit and retain the very best officers through more competitive pay and to add additional campus safety personnel. Other measures will include more security cameras and lighting upgrades as well as adding license plate readers and the installation of combined security camera-blue light call box systems in strategic locations across campus. The RideSmart program, which provides a 50% discount on Lyft rides for UGA students, is being extended four hours per day and will now operate from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., and Campus Safety Ambassadors are on duty from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am, each day of the week, working as the “eyes and ears” for other police department personnel.

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Precision one

precision one health initiatve

Housed within the College of Veterinary Medicine Precision One Health is committed to studying the intricate connections among genetics, the environment, and lifestyle factors and their effects on disease prevention and treatment. The main goal of the initiative is to develop personalized healthcare strategies that provide individuals with the most effective treatment options at the right time. The mission is centered on personalized medicine, which includes risk assessment, exploration of significant biological mutations, vaccine and drug development, and selection of customized therapies based on molecular profiling.

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