Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
Goal: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
UGA is working to address UN Sustainable Development Goals through focused research, teaching, service, and stewardship on campus, across the state, and around the globe. Some examples of how students, faculty, and staff are addressing Goal #9 are listed below.

Innovation District Initiative
The UGA Innovation District is a community of people, programs, and places working together to foster an ecosystem of innovation, entrepreneurship, and learning. It brings together bright minds from disciplines across campus to take on challenges from multiple angles, shape discoveries into marketable solutions, and educate tomorrow’s creators to be skilled, experienced, and versatile.
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Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems
The Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems (IRIS) advances the integration of natural and conventional infrastructure systems to strengthen society's long term resilience to flooding, sea level rise, drought, and other disruptions. Through collaborative partnerships, IRIS empowers communities and businesses to discover wise infrastructure solutions that deliver a broad array of social, economic, and environmental benefits.
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Innovation Gateway
Innovation Gateway helps UGA researchers move their research breakthroughs into the marketplace through licensing and startups. UGA is one of the nation’s number top universities for new products developed by industry partners, with more than 850 products that range from crop varieties to vaccines and software introduced to the marketplace.
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Mitigating Coastal Hazards and Promoting Resilience
UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant’s coastal resilience program collaborates with national, regional, state, and local partners to provide coastal communities with knowledge, data, and tools needed to prepare for and recover from coastal hazards. Through research, extension, and education initiatives, the coastal resilience program offers technical expertise and other resources to strengthen economic, ecological, and social resilience.
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