Experiential learning through real-world solutions
The Office of Sustainability Student Internship Program provides opportunities for experiential learning and professional development while making a positive and tangible impact within the University of Georgia and Athens communities. The Office of Sustainability partners with campus and community organizations to identify real-world challenges and develop sustainable solutions. Leadership training is enhanced through collaborations with J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, UGA Career Center, and others.
Are you a student who would like to apply for a sustainability internship position?
The Office of Sustainability is committed to cultivating an inclusive, diverse and respectful workplace. All current students are welcome and encouraged to apply. Learn more about our workplace culture here. Fall 2025 positions are open. See below for descriptions of open positions. Deadline to apply is April 1, 2025.
Sustainability Certificate Intern
This intern will support the Sustainability Certificate by coordinating events, communicating with students and faculty, conducting communications and outreach including the biweekly newsletter and social media sites, and working with alumni and ambassadors. Enrollment in the Sustainability Certificate is preferred.
Sustainability Leadership Program Intern
This position will assist the Office of Sustainability in implementing and enhancing the UGA staff Sustainability Leadership Program (SLP), including planning and co-leading biweekly SLP meetings and activities, communicating with SLP participants, coordinating guest speakers, analyzing program feedback, and planning ongoing program development. Candidates should be organized and self-motivated with excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Zero Waste Infrastructure Intern
This intern will help UGA plan and implement Zero Waste Infrastructure across strategic buildings on campus. This work will include assessing interior waste infrastructure, planning compost bin placement, communicating with stakeholders, and physically installing bins and signs (no special skills required). These enhancements in waste infrastructure and education will play a critical role in helping UGA reach its waste diversion goals. Candidates should be highly organized, detail-oriented, dependable, communicative, able to work well in pairs, and willing to work with their hands.
Campus Compost Intern
This intern will be part of the small team behind the tricycle-powered UGA Campus Compost Program. The majority of this position's hours are spent doing the physical collection of compost material from 100+ bin locations on campus. Other tasks include communication with program participants, data collection, and compost education at UGA. Candidates must have a passion for composting and engaging with others, be a safe and confident bicyclist, have a valid driver’s license, enjoy working behind the scenes and getting their hands dirty (and smelly), be willing to work outdoors in sub-ideal weather conditions, and be able to lift up to 50 lbs.
GIS and Sustainability Metrics Intern
Intern will help to create and compile sustainability metrics, track sustainable change, and communicate stories and strategies using geospatial databases, ArcGIS online, and ESRI tools such as Story Maps, Fields Maps, and Survey 123. This position plays a leadership support role to other intern projects and the UGA Living Lab. Projects will span multiple sustainability program areas to include: recycling, compost and waste reduction systems, Electric Vehicle planning, bike infrastructure, renewable energy and greenhouse gas inventories, campus landscape projects and food systems. Candidates are encouraged to have experience in one or more of the following skills: ArcGIS, data analysis and visualization, dashboards, and data storytelling.
Shell to Shore Intern
Shell to Shore is a non-profit oyster shell recycling program in Georgia which reduces landfill waste and supports restoration and revitalization projects on Sapelo Island. Intern will report directly to a Shell to Shore staff member. Responsibilities will include transporting shells from restaurants and events in Athens and helping to expand the capacity of Shell to Shore in Augusta and Atlanta. The intern will help create educational resources and assist in finding new sources of funding to expand the project. Valid driver’s license and ability to lift up to 50 pounds required; excellent written, graphic, and verbal communication skills and an interest in coastal restoration is preferred.
Circular Materials Management / Zero Waste Intern
This intern will lead Zero Waste and reuse initiatives including the Water Bottle Reclamation Initiative and the UGA Swap Shop, a free thrift store located in MLC 278. This intern serves as Director of the Swap Shop and manages the team of volunteers and executive positions with the goal of reducing landfill waste, reducing economic barriers, and promoting a culture of reuse. Additional responsibilities may include short-term projects or tasks related to waste reduction efforts on campus, such as supporting our Zero Waste Events program or helping empty our Trash Traps. Intern will work closely with multiple people and departments to carry out these projects. Candidates must have a valid driver’s license, a passion for reducing waste, good written and verbal communication skills, an ability to plan and coordinate complicated logistical tasks, and be willing to work hard behind the scenes.
Strategic Communications Intern
Intern will work collaboratively to develop engaging on-brand content for social media and other outlets used by the Office of Sustainability. Specific tasks will include creating and following a content calendar; developing collaborative partnerships to expand our reach; interviewing students, faculty, and staff who are making tangible positive change on campus; and creating engaging photos, graphics, and captions for social media. Candidates should be organized, proactive, curious, and passionate about effective storytelling to advance sustainability at UGA.
Campus as a Living Lab – Zero Waste UGA
Zero Waste UGA is an interdisciplinary experiential learning initiative to foster a culture of sustainability through waste reduction. Intern will help to facilitate use of the UGA campus as a living laboratory to support teaching, research, service and outreach, student engagement, and operational innovations toward a circular economy. Tasks will include creating educational resources, planning workshops, developing project lists, promoting zero waste activities, and coordinating participation of faculty, staff, and student stakeholders.
UGArden Compost Intern
This intern will report to UGArden and manage the farm composting system. They will work with a Master Gardener to manage the piles, grind and turn them with a tractor, and record the temperature for our compost records. Experience operating equipment not required. However, this intern will be expected to operate the tractor and should be prepared and willing to do so. Intern may be asked to assist with other UGArden activities.
Green Labs Outreach Intern
This internship opportunity focuses on program outreach and bringing greater awareness of the Green Labs program and its offerings to the UGA Research Community and beyond. The candidate will serve as the program liaison and outreach intern, creating outreach and educations materials, as well as developing additional communication strategies for the program and objectively quantifying their efficacy. This is including but not limited to: monitoring and posting online materials, creating infographics, posters and flyers (both digital and print), representing the Green Labs Program at campus events, creating newsletters and engaging in other efforts improving program visibility. This position will also support every day program activities in order to gain a working knowledge of program initiatives, to better inform outreach efforts.
Pollinator Project and Arboretum Intern
This internship offers hands-on experience in pollinator and tree conservation efforts on campus through the Office’s Biodiversity and Landscape Program. The intern will provide organizational, technical, creative, and fieldwork support while working directly with the Campus Pollinator Committee and Campus Arboretum Committee under the co-supervision of the UGA Grounds Department. Key responsibilities include: 1) Observing, mapping, and recording campus trees and pollinator habitats using Geographic Information Systems (GIS); 2) Compiling and publishing the annual Bee Campus USA certification report; 3) Assisting with planting projects, habitat assessments, and landscape maintenance in coordination with UGA Grounds; 4) Expanding and updating the Pollinator and Campus Arboretum websites with relevant content; 5) Planning and executing student engagement initiatives, including the annual UGA Pollinator Census, educational outreach programs, and volunteer events. Candidates with experience in ArcGIS and a foundational knowledge of Georgia’s trees, plants, and pollinator species are highly encouraged to apply.
Are you a graduate student who'S passionate about inspiring and leading changemakers?
Apply to serve as the 2025-26 Office of Sustainability Internship Coordinator! This 40% (16 hours per week) position will mentor students, communicate with project partners and alumni, plan events/all-intern meetings, contribute to OoS communications, and provide general program assistance. Deadline to apply is April 1, 2025.
(Looking for a list of current & Past interns? Please visit the OoS INTERN DIRECTORY.)
Internship Program Details
In addition to completing specific tasks related to individual internship positions, each student intern will complete the following required activities:
Semester Kick-off
Team-building gathering and dinner during an afternoon/evening before semester classes begin.
Work Plan
An individual work plan will be completed by each intern by the end of the second week of the semester. This document will be revised periodically to track project goals and expectations. The Internship Coordinator and/or direct supervisor will assist development of individualized work plans.
Weekly Cohort Meetings
Interns are required to participate in weekly meetings with fellow interns, Office of Sustainability staff, and occasional guests. Meeting topics include project updates, team building and problem-solving, leadership and professional development, and public speaking opportunities. Interns should come to meetings prepared with updates, questions, and input.
Mid-Term Evaluation
Interns evaluate their experience to date in the program and supervisors evaluate intern performance. Intern meets with the Internship Coordinator and/or primary staff supervisor to discuss evaluations.
Final Presentations
At Semester in Review, which takes place on Reading Day, four to five interns will be selected to give oral presentations about their projects. All other interns will present a poster or other display of their project during the event.
Transition Document
Interns will document work completed, key contacts, and recommended next steps to help guide future interns or related projects.
Semester-End Interview
Interns will complete a survey and evaluation of the program and their internship experience.
The Internship Coordinator is responsible for managing the overall program to ensure successful outcomes for student interns and partnering organizations. The Internship Coordinator provides direct supprt to student interns throughout their particip[ation in the program. In addition, each intern will report directly to a supervisor who will guide the intern in completing specific projects and tasks. Office of Sustainability staff are available to support and advise students throughout their internship.
Interns typically spend 10 hours per week working on a specified project and assisting the Office of Sustainability and/or patnering organizations as needed.
Interns must notify their direct supervisor and the Internship Coordinator in advance of an absence. Attendance at the weekly All Intern Meeting is a required part of this internship and is included in the 10 working hours per week; please do not schedule doctor, dentist or other appointments during this time unless you are ill.
Paid interns are required to complete an I-9 Form through Facilities Management Division Human Resources to be onboarded into the UGA payroll system. Interns will be required to provide 1) a current resume with appropriate address, 2) a passport or picture ID and Social Security Card, and 3) a UGA ID number.
Interns are paid bi-weekly as hourly employees through the OneUSG Connect System. In order to be paid, student interns must directly input their hours into their timesheet. Interns are also responsible for ensuring that their bank information and emergency contacts are up to date. Employees, including student workers, can log on to check payroll and other information through OneUSG COnnect.
All interns are asked to assist with at least one Office of Sustainability event during the semester. Events and community service opportunities will be announced throughout the semester. Interns are encouraged to support their peers and to participate in service events while also maintaining personal health and academic success.
Some degree programs require an internship. Students are encouraged to initiate opportunities for relevant academic course credit through their college or school. To date, credit internships have been arranged through the Odum School of Ecology, College of Environment + Design, College of Public Health, Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communications, and others.
Are you a campus or community partner that could benefit from a dedicated student intern?
Our Partnership for a Sustainable Athens provides meaningful support for campus and community partners working toward justice, sustainability, and resilience in the Athens area. Partners identify strategic priorities to advance their core mission.