Study Abroad
Study Abroad is a great opportunity for students to continue their studies in sustainability and seek a global perspective. Understanding the way sustainability is viewed across the world gives context to previous learning and furthers understanding of human-environment interactions and sustainable development. There is no need to choose between studying abroad and pursuing a Sustainability Certificate; several courses that can fulfill certificate requirements are offered as study abroad options across a variety of locations.
For general information on UGA's study abroad options, please visit the UGA Office of Global Engagement.
Partnership with UGA Discover Abroad
Students pursuing their Certificate can complete up to 9 hours of Certificate coursework while on selected UGA Discover Abroad programs. Students completing ECOL/GEOG/ANTH/FANR 4271/6271W courses on a Discover Abroad study experience can apply three 3-credit hour courses to the 4 required courses necessary for Certificate completion.